Half way thru June already?

Wow…its the middle of June already. This month has flown by. Grace turned 2 on the 8th, so I need to get a post up about her birthday festivities. She is growing up so fast since she has turned 2. Seems like everyday she is saying something new or coming up with new ideas in that little toddler head of hers. I love it!

I started doing the Visalus shakes this week, so far I have been drinking those inplace of breakfast and lunch, with a few snacks during the day to hold me over when I get hungry. Because my appetite was out of control so I had to do something besides just watching what I was eating. It helped that my SIL gave me a few cases of the shake mix so its not any cost out of my pocket to give it a shot.  So far so good…I’ve made shakes with strawberry, banana, peanut butter and orange juice. I tried mixing peanut butter with the chocolate mix-in they offer…not a fan. it was too powdery tasting. This morning I had just a tb of reg peanut butter…..and it was delish! Best way is to blend it up with some ice.-delish!

Well just wanted to check in and say hello. I hope to get her birthday post up this weekend . But until then…here is a picture of us on the morning of her birthday before her party. I can not believe she is 2!

Alphabet Meme-Old School Blogging

Hello friends! It’s been a while since I posted…so I thought I’d use this as a little jumpstart to get back in the groove! Thanks to Jaime for tagging me. And Elaine for hosting this fun meme!

A. Attached or Single? Attached-married for 9 years this November!

B. Best Friend? see above. I also have a few friends that I have been close with for years that I hold close to my heart, even if we don’t get to chat as much lately.

C. Cake or pie? for sure cake….with lots of frosting!

D. Day of choice? Saturday. Especially fall college football Saturdays! Let’s Go Bucks!

E. Essential Item? lip gloss, I hate having dry lips.

F. Favorite color? I dig pinks and reds.

G. Gummy bears or worms? Gummy bears 

H. Hometown? Nashport Ohio

I. Favorite Indulgence? ohhh…I’d have to go with a pedicure. I haven’t had one i sa while but I always feel so happy when I do!

J. January or July? July. its my birthday month…so duh. Yeah July.

K. Kids? Yes. One beautiful little girl  Grace Mae who will be 2 on Saturday!

L. Life isn’t complete without? family. I come from a large family and I can’t imagine not having them around.

M. Marriage date? 11/20/04

N. Number of brothers/sisters? none

O. Oranges or Apples. apples of the honeycrisp variety

P. Phobias? mice….rats…any kind of tailed rodents creep me the eff out! yug!

Q. Quotes? “I believe every human has a finite number of heartbeats and I don’t intend to waste any of mine” -Neil Armstrong.

R. Reasons to smile? my baby girl. she is truely my sunshine.

S. Season of choice? Summer…I love heat.

T. Tag 5 People.  oh boy…..I’ll skip this one since I’m sure no one will be reading this that hasn’t already completed it.

U. Unknown fact about me? oh goodness…let’s see. How about I once found a razor in the bathtub when I was little….and proceeded to cut my leg (just a little) but you would have thought it was the end of the world…I hobbled around using my baton as a cane for a few days. (so dramatic!)

V. Vegetable? sweet potatoes please!

W. Worst habit? Chewing my nails…and procrastinating. I’ve gotten pretty bad about that.

X. Xray or Ultrasound? I prefer neither thank you.

Y. Your favorite food? Pizza…..deluxe with banana peppers instead of green peppers.

Z. Zodiac sign? Cancer

Let’s go to the Pumpkin Farm

Saturday we took Grace to Pigeon Roost, a local Pumpkin Farm that is about half an hour from our house.

We have heard people talking about it and how much fun it is for kids…I was shocked at all the activities that were there! They had a huge fenced in activity center area that had a petting zoo, a huge fort, a corn maze, fun kids activities and tons of fall themed fun! Gracie was a little too young and small to enjoy it this year, so we just stayed up in the front where all the pumpkins were, but next year…we are so going to rock that activity center!

First stop….how tall are you this fall? 2 1/2 pumpkins….almost 31 inches!
Daddy helped to hold you up behind the ghost cutout…you thought it was the best thing! 
Look at that dimple!
She wasn’t a fan of bring held…but Mommy wanted a picture in front of the giant pumpkin tree!
So we then let Grace loose amongst the pumpkins to let her play and pick out the one that she wanted.

She had alot to choose from and was planning her attack wisely…


I think she was a bit excited don’t you? She loves to be outside and able to run around.

Oh this little girl…..we are gonna be in trouble with those eyes!

It didn’t take long before she caught interest in all the leaves that were on the ground. She started picking them up one by one and was “gifting” them to me. Of course I lovingly took each and every one. (Then tossed them back to the ground where they belong…lol)

We thought it would be cute to get her a little pumpkin that she could actually carry around, so we headed over to the baby bin. Baby pumpkins..not for actual babies. She took her time saying “hmmmm” and “punk punk” while touching almost everyone within her reach.

We then headed over to take a look out over the activity center. They had a fenced side of one of the barns that you could still see the animals…so we went to take a look.

There were turkeys and goats in the pin beneath us…so we took a few minutes to bend down and look at him. Grace kept waving and saying hi to it…how cute! When we left I told her to say bye to Mr. Goat…to which she puckered up and started to cry. She’s not a fan of the goodbyes. Even if its to a random goat she just met.
The wind had started to blow a little and it was getting crisper. It was time to wrap things up. But before we headed out, we went back to the pumpkins and picked out the one we were going to take home. 
We had a great time at the Farm and can’t wait to take her back next year and let her wear herself out. She was so excited this year and fell asleep in the car, so I can’t imagine the fun she will have next year! And I bet she will be close to 3 pumpkins tall by then!

Grace’s first haircut

Grace got her first haircut today!
We waited a while because while her hair has started thickening up a bit, its not that long. But its started to grow and get in her eyes and hang over her ears so that makes her constantly have to flick it away. It was time.
We were a bit nervous, because anyone who know Grace knows that she isn’t one to sit still very long. She has grown a very independent bone and wants things to be done her way or there will be screaming and whining. So we armed ourselves with toys, snacks and fruit pouches and prepared to head to the salon.
We went to my aunts salon and my aunt propped up the little booster seat and we attempted to get her sit in the big girl chair. I thought well we will try….then I will probably have to sit down and have her sit on my lap.
So we sat her down and got the cape on her.
She was a little concerned but quickly diverted her interest to a comb my aunt gave her.

Look how big my baby looks sitting all up in the salon chair!

So my aunt started snipping away. My baby is getting a haircut!

She quickly she lost interest in the comb. So we switched to the fruit pouch.
Bam! We had a few extra minutes!

Turns out that it was a banana squash pouch and she wasn’t a fan of it, so it didn’t last too long. So onto the next distraction….hairclips! I’m so thankful my aunt is a stylist, I wouldn’t have wanted anyone else to cut Gracie’s first hairs!

Soon after, she discovered the mirror in front of her and kept looking and smiling at the woman sitting behind her getting her hair down.
I love watching her watch herself. She is so interested in seeing her reactions right now.
This one makes my heart melt.

So the fun continued and her little hairs were dropping to the floor. Great Grandma went with us and she loved watching Grace sit there like a good girl. I love having this picture of her smiling in the background. That little girl lights up her world like I can’t even explain. I think is loving her for my mom and her both!

We did have a few minutes that were borderline throw a fit, but I gave her some cherrios and she was good to go for a few more minutes.

Cherrios make everything better…am I right Moms?

All in all it was a great experience! I was so proud of her for sititng in the chair by herself the whole time! We were almost done when my husband said, aren’t you going to keep some of her hair? I almost forgot….I was so busy trying to keep her from freaking out that I didn’t even think of catching her first locks! So my aunt quickly lifted up and trimmed a few more strands for us to keep. Now I have a momento for her baby box from her first haircut! I know its the first of many! 

I am thinking about getting this one framed and putting it in her room.
Her feet were constantly going while she was getting her trim. Her little chucks are too cute!

Looks who’s walking!

Grace has been taking a few steps from furniture to furniture or toy to toy for the last few weeks. This weekend she made the leap and began going further distances. She also has become much better at standing up from a sitting or squatting position.

It amazing to think she just started crawling 4-5 months ago and here she is starting to explore on her own!

Go Gracie Go! Mommy is so proud of you!!

– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Final Blog Post…farewell little ladybug

I am leaving this blog…..but only because I have a new one! This one will cease to exist on August 13th. Its been fun and the name seemed so fitting, but now I am wearing so many hats, I need to take time to focus on all the amazing moments of my life.

Please come see me and updated pics and stories of Miss Grace and whats happening in our life at my new blog….

Just Mendie

So head over there now, be sure to follow me so you won’t miss anything!  Can’t wait to see you!

Hello? Is it me your looking for?

Hello friends! First thing is first….this is my new blog. The old one, The Little Ladybug that Could will expire in a few weeks, so be sure to follow this page and not miss any updates!

Did you think I dropped off the face of the earth? Its been a LONG time since I have posted. Life has changed so much and to be honest I feel like I am doing a horrible job trying to juggle being a mom, a wife, a homemaker, a working outside the home Mom. There aren’t enough hours in the day…I don’t know how you ladies with more then one child do it!

I like to spend all my free time with this little cutie. Can you even believe she is a year old already??? I hardly can, time has flown by. Literally, like jet plane fast. Its like I just went back to work not too long ago and here it has been almost a year!

I hope to get back to regular blogging again. You all have missed so many milestones the last year, and I want to have a place to keep track of these memories too, besides my handy iphone which I use every.single.day to either capture pics or video of the new things she is doing. I am in awe of her and the awesome that she is made of. And I can’t wait to share some the awesome with you!

Have a great day….oh and Happy August!!!