Seven months

Grace Mae – you are SEVEN months old!!! 

You weigh 14lbs and 5oz and are about 25 inches long
You are wearing 6 month  clothes now for the most part. 
There are still a few 3 month onsies that fit you.
You wear a size 2 diaper….but I think this will be the last box of those!   
You had a very busy month! 
Oh…big news…you got your first tooth! 
It finally busted thru on the day after you turned  6 months! And I think it was just a few days later you slightly um, bit your mum.
Nursing moms will understand my pain. Youch!

Christmas was fun…but you will read all about that in another post.
You also had your first Ohio State Bowl game this month.
It wasn’t a fun game to watch and you probably heard Mommy and Daddy 
yelling a lot at the television. Hopefully next season is better!
You started eating fruits and vegetables this month…and you love them!
You haven’t spit anything out yet…I’m so proud of my non-picky eater!
You sometimes try to put the spoon in your mouth, 
but for the most part are happy with me feeding you. 
You eat your cereal for breakfast, normally some fruit for 
lunch and vegetables for dinner. 
You love sweet potatoes and pears the best!

You are doing much better at sitting up and like to sit and watch the dogs.

We still have to put pillows or the boppy around you since you like to slide down.
You are so nosey and want to see whats going on, so its been good
to see you showing interest in what we are doing!
You are trying to crawl a little, kinda army crawling I guess you would call it.
You kinda lean to one side and shimmy your way to where you want to go.
You don’t stay there to often and before we know it you are rolled onto your back again. 
You still like to play in your bouncer too. You are touching the ground now and sometimes bounce but
most of the time you just play with your toys or try to turn yourself around.
We are going to start giving you a little extra formula along with the milk you get from Mommy. 
It’s not going to taste as good, but you need some more liquids and act like you want more.
I’m okay with that, as long as you are getting filled up and 
still getting Mommy’s antibodies first…all is good. 

You are such a happy girl, you sometimes have your moments of screaming or fussing. 
All babies do, and I ‘m for certain that you are in the upper percentile of non-fussy babies.
We really are lucky you have such a good personality and are a happy baby.

We love you Gracie!

Grace’s First Vegetable

We started Grace on solids this week!  First up….sweet potatoes.
As you can see, she was very excited about being in her high chair!
She finally is big enough to sit up in it!

I plan on making her babyfood, so I started by pureeing the potatoes and
adding a little milk to smooth it out some.

This is how the next 10 minutes went. I took the pleasure of adding what I think was going thru Grace’s mind.

{Yum. This has FLAVOR!}

{Oh my….I’m not sure I like FLAVOR!}

{Oh no….not a fan of FLAVOR. AT. ALL.}

Not wanting to traumatize her, I stopped shortly after the above face. Baby steps.
I thought it might be fun to let her play with it and feel the texture and maybe put a little in her mouth herself.
She didn’t want anything to do with touching it. Can’t really complain about that now can I?

She ended up eating about 1/4 of a tablespoon the first night.
We have slowly worked our way up and last night she had almost a whole tablespoon!
My big girl is eating vegetable and she is tolerating it!!!

Grace’s First Cereal

We started Grace on cereal when she was 5 months old.
We attempted to feed her in her highchair…but she was still not big enough for it.
But she liked sitting in it for a few minutes.

We ended up moving her to the bumbo and she did a lot better with that…while she faced forward.
She is a little wiggle worm!

That worked out pretty good, but every now and then it was easier to feed her in the bouncer.

She will start to fuss and scream if you take too long in between bites.

We started her out with one tablespoon in the evenings vis spoon, and then moved it up to 2 days and she has some at lunch too.

I can’t wait until she gets to try something with flavor!

Grace’s 2 month Shots

Its hard to believe my little girl is 2 months old already! 
She had to go for her first set of vaccinations last week.  I was not looking forward to it. 
I know people have said, oh you’ll hurt/cry more than she will. 
And after caring for her for just 8 weeks, I felt that was probably very true.  
Here we are getting ready to leave for the doctor. She has no idea what is about to go down.
We went into the pediatricians office where she was checked over and given a good bill of health. 
Then the nurse came in with a little tray of things. 
I looked at my husband and said, you are going to have to hold her, I can’t watch! 
First she got her oral vaccination. 
She did great with that, which was no surprise since she LOVES her vitamin drops we give her every night. Then came the needles.
She was laying down on the table and my husband held her arms while
the nurse cleaned a spot on her upper thigh with alcohol. 
I turned away and took a deep breath.  She did the first shot and I was like, wow she isn’t crying. 
What a big girl. Then I heard my husband say….”Oh my, you don’t like that do you!”. 
The nurse then gave her the other two shots and with that I heard a big painful cry. 
Ends up that she wasn’t crying at first because she was opening her mouth so wide 
taking a big breathe in and then let it all out at once. So sad!
My husband picked her up and cuddled her, 
her little blue eyes were like diamonds amidst all the tears! 
Her face was bright red, but quickly she returned to her natural color in just a matter of seconds 
of being in daddy’s arms.  
She took her bink and kinda grumbled a little but was drifting off by the time we got in the carseat. 
It wore her out!
Once we got home, she was ok just wanted to be held, which of course we obliged.
She did manage to nap after nursing for a little bit.  About 8:30 that night, 
she was starting to get really fussy and you could tell she wasn’t feeling good so 
we decided to give her change her into her jammies and give her some tylenol. 
Of course, Emma and Ellie joined us for the event. 
They are so concerned when she cries…they like to stay close!
Look at her iridescent band aids! Aren’t they cute!
When we were getting her dressed, we took off the bling bandaids. 
She wasn’t a fan of that, but who really likes getting bandaids removed…they sting! 
And what did I see…little spots of blood from where the needles were. 
My little girls first episode of bleeding-Oh how sad! 
Once they were pulled off (gently of course), she was alright just a little tender.
She got her tylenol, which started making her drowsy in about 20 minutes. 
She was fighting sleep and then after nursing again was ready for bed. 
She slept thru the night and when she woke up at 7 the next morning was just a little sore, 
but had smiles for us. 
So thankful she didn’t have any reaction to them.
But I am glad that we have a few more months before we have to go thru that again. 
She was such a big girl! I’m so proud of her!