39 wks

How Far Along am I: 39 Weeks


Size of baby: Baby Girl is the size of a watermelon

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 36 lbs since conception

Maternity Clothes: yes, thank goodness
 Gender: It’s a GIRL!
Movement: She is moving around mostly in the mornings after breakfast and then randomly throughout the day. Once I lay on the couch for the evening she normally gets her moves going again and then settles down for the night.

Sleep:I am tossing and turning alot these days, it literally feels like I am carrying a watermelon when I flip over at night. And my back has begun to get a little achy in the mornings.

What I miss:This week I would have to say shorts or capris. Its been in the 90’s here most of the time and the best summer clothing I have are yoga capris. And they aren’t very breathable but they are much better than jeans or yoga pants.

Cravings: I’ve been wanting hot fudge sundaes….more specifically peanut buster parfaits.
Yum. Chocolate and Spanish peanuts. 

Symptoms: I mentioned the swelling, it continues, especially in this heat. And for some reason when I get up at night it seems like my right heel is broken…lots of pain in that foot.

Measurements: Zero Dilation and effacement. We had an ultrasound on Tuesday and they are estimating Grace to be at 8 lbs and 5 ounces right now!
Her abdomen is measuring about 2 wks ahead and her head and femur are about a week behind.
So looks like we’ve got a little fluffy baby on our hands!

Best Moment this week: It has been a pretty good week overall.  Had 2 contractions last night, about half an hour apart, so nothing to call anyone about, but at least its the start of something.
We go back to the doctor on Monday and see how things are coming along.
Can’t believe we are just one week away from the due date! 

38 wks

How Far Along am I: 38 Weeks


Size of baby: Baby Girl is the size of a watermelon

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 35.5 lbs since conception

Maternity Clothes: yes, thank goodness
 Gender: It’s a GIRL!
Movement: She s still getting her kicks in bout 2-3 hours, but I have noiticed the phases of movementsd have decreased some.  She’s not as active as often. I’m sure its because she is running out of room in there!

Sleep:I am tossing and turning alot these days, my hips are getting so sore and my lower back has been hurting towards the morning hours.

What I miss:This week I have been wanting some wine…not sure why, nothing to stress over or to celebrate, just has been looking goof at the market.

Cravings: Sonic andburgers again…this little one wants some protein!

Symptoms: I mentioned the swelling, oh the swelling! Its basically around all the time once I stand on my feet for the day. Flipflops are my friend, its getting too hot to wear my tennis shoes.  I have been having BAD heartburn when I go to bed and in the middle of the night again, but not right after I eat like I was before.

Measurements: Zero Dilation and effacement. She’s still camping out with no signs of leaving early. Go on Tuesday for an ultrasound to get an idea of how big Miss Grace is going to be and make sure everything is going smoothly!

 Best Moment this week: I had another strong contraction this week, happened right before bed. It lasted over a minute and thought it was the start of something, but then it went away and didn’t invite any friends over. And we spent some time taking some maternity pictures which we are continuing to edit.  The picture above is from 37.5 wks and the one below is from 38.5 wks…so you get an idea of where I am at 38 wks!

37 wks

How Far Along am I: 37 Weeks


Size of baby: Baby Girl is the size of a watermelon

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 35 lbs since conception

Maternity Clothes: yes, thank goodness
 Gender: It’s a GIRL!
Movement: She has been moving alot more in the mornings than she used to. Still rolling from side to side, which I love to watch! Who would have thought it would make me smile to stare at my belly for so long each night after dinner?

Sleep:I am doing alright with the sleeping. Normally I fall asleep on the couch watching tv with my husband, while Emma rests on what is left of my lap that she can fit on. Then I go upstairs and manage to get some shut eye between my trips to the bathroom which is roughly every 2 hours at this point. But I’m sleeping good when I go back to bed, so that makes it easier.

What I miss:Having multiple shoe choices. And not being out of breathe after climbing the stairs.

Cravings: Back to ice cream this week. Butter Pecan to be exact. Oh and lemon iced tea…which I NEVER drank before. I’ve splurged on a few of those this week.

Symptoms: I mentioned the swelling, but besides that and the tightening of the tummy, I haven’t really had too many problems. I have occasional heartburn right before bed, but mostly its gone from the daylight hours. This week I have had some dull pains in my lower right side, thinking its maybe due to her dropping a little and getting ready to make her way into the world!

Measurements: Zero Dilation and effacement. She’s not in any rush to leave the womb.

 Best Moment this week: It would be a toss up between getting back and foot rubs from my husband on multiple nights. He is so wonderful about taking care of me when I am achy. I’m a lucky girl.  This week was my first internal check at the doctors (not fun at all btw) and also the first time I will start seeing him weekly.  This made me realize just how close I am to having this baby! 
3 weeks! Wow this last trimester has flown by. I had my first strong contraction today at work, which was my second all together, last Saturday I had a short one after a long day of shopping. But today was a real sign that I need to start slowing down a bit and not pushing myself if I want to keep calm and let my body tell me when things are going to be happening.

35 wks

(Pardon the pasty picture….I’ve been sick this week)

How Far Along am I: 35 Weeks
(35 DAYS TO GO!!!)


Size of baby: Baby Girl is the size of a large cantaloupe

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 32 lbs since conception

Maternity Clothes: yes, thank goodness
 Gender: It’s a GIRL!
Movement: Tons of moves and kicks this week. She is getting higher and it kinda tickles my ribs. I am told this won’t last too long. Soon it will hurt. But for now, it makes me smile.The Dr said she was measuring a bit bigger this week, but he would keep an eye on it and if it continues then we’ll do another growth scan in a few weeks and see how she looks.

Sleep:I’ve been sick this week so the sleeping hasn’t been the best. I’ve been tossing and turning more and tend to get kind of achy if I stay in one place too long. Sometimes I have to stretch out on my back but don’t stay there for too long.

What I miss: Skinny ankles and being able to lift up my leg to put on my shoe while standing on one foot. Now I have to sit on the steps and contort myself just to get socks on. Its a beautiful sight.

Cravings: Nothing really too much this week, probably because I can’t really taste anything.
Did try a piece of Hawaiian pizza because it sounded good….not so much.

Symptoms: I started getting a sore throat Sunday night and when I went for my appointment on Monday I was a sneezy runny nosed mess! The Dr gave me a Z pack to prevent it from turning into strept throat and told me to stay hydrated and rest. Spent Monday night on the couch falling in and out of sleep. Spiked a fever about 9pm and tried to cool down with a cool compress on my head. It went down some and spiked again at 100.5 about 1am. It wasn’t a good night for resting. Slowly felt better everyday once the fever dissipated, but that was pretty scary. Not knowing how much of a fever was risky to our little one, I was worrying and eventually took a Tylenol to help move it along!

 Best Moment this week: This week was the fourth week of Lamaze class…and we had the hospital tour! It was very cool to go inside the room and get to see where we would be delivering our baby (well the kind of room, I think there are a dozen or so). It helped to see all the stuff and get an idea of how things normally flow. Then we went to the other side of the floor where the postpartum section was and got to see where we would me moved after delivery. The first room that we saw was smaller then the second, both of which were smaller then the one that my cousin had when she delivered in. So hubby and I decided we want that big room! (room 223….gonna request it when we go in…doubt it will help but might as well try!) Oh and this week I washed the first load of tiny laundry with the free and clear baby detergent. It is amazing how many things fit into one load. It also is amazing how much smaller some of them are after getting them out of the dryer! Just a reminder of how tiny she is!

I think the girls are getting excited about meeting the baby too!

34 wks

How Far Along am I: 34 Weeks


Size of baby: Baby Girl is the size of a large cantaloupe

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 30 lbs since conception

Maternity Clothes: yes, thank goodness
 Gender: It’s a GIRL!
Movement: The little sweetie has been moving around a lot more this week. Seems like she is most active in the mornings and after dinner. Started to feel rolls from side to side more,
so hopefully she has a favorite spot.

Sleep: Next question. Sleeping well, but having trouble falling asleep after I get up at 3AM.
Rolling more often to get comfortable.

What I miss: Shoes that fit, my regular size ankles and not being out of breathe when I walk up the stairs.

Cravings: Still loving the burgers, but this week I’ve really wanted pop tarts. Not sure why the sugar cravings have popped back up, but I could literally eat a pack of cherry pop tarts every morning.

Symptoms: The swelling, oh the swelling! It now sometimes greets me in the morning, but most times doesn’t make an appearance until after work. I’ve been having some Braxton Hicks contractions and feel my stomach tighten, mostly in the evenings. Need to start slowing down and not making sudden movements as I have been experiencing some muscle like pulls on the sides on my lower tummy. Take it easy lady!

Best Moment this week: Been a pretty calm week, but this week I would have to say it would be feeling her move so much after a brief scare Monday morning. She took her time and didn’t get her 10 kicks in until 5 hours! Had my BP checked (normal at 103/70) and laid on my side in the clinic for a bit, and she finished but it was scary wondering why she was so quiet. I think maybe she was worn out from the weekend as well!

33 wks

How Far Along am I: 33 Weeks


Size of baby: Baby Girl is the size of a honeydew

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 30 lbs since conception

Maternity Clothes: yes please!
 Gender: It’s a GIRL!
Movement: She has been moving all the time, and lately almost seems to be doing the conga in my tummy.  I had to start counting her movements this week and so far its been between 3-4 hours to get to 10 movements, but the first half of those happen in the first hour.  She’s getting close to kicking my ribs but hasn’t done any damage yet!

Sleep: Not the best, but I am getting sleep. It’s probably worse for my husband who is a light sleeper so my tossing and turning is probably starting to get annoying.

What I miss: Bending over and ice cream and sweets. I have been really good lately.

Cravings: Still loving the hamburgers. I’m taking iron supplements so maybe I’m just needing more from red meat, I don’t really know. But I can’t seem to get enough!

Symptoms: The swelling has continued and by the time I get home from work my ankles have turned into lite kankles. Not too much in my face that I notice yet, but the extremities are starting to feel it. But on a side note, Miss G had her first case of real hiccups this week. It kinda freaked me out a little bit, she would have like 5 hiccup, then stretch and my tummy would move from round to almost oval…then she would repeat the process.I felt bad but I know its a normal part of her growing and learning to suck.

Best Moment this week: Hands down it would have to be getting the main decal done in the nursery.  My husband did a great job, I assisted by handing him the elements to apply, we are both so pleased with how it turned out.  Hopefully the last piece will be done next week and we can share it with you!

32 wks

How Far Along am I: 32 Weeks


Size of baby: Baby Girl is the size of a squash
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained just shy of 30 lbs since conception
Maternity Clothes: yes please!
 Gender: It’s a GIRL!
Movement: The last week she has shifted and now moves from left to right and sometimes hangs out in the middle. I have started feeling her kick me a little higher and even think she took a jab at my ribs the other day!

Sleep: Uh, not so good. starting to realize that whatever side she moves to suddenly becomes uncomfortable and I have to switch. My arm has been falling asleep more often. And last night I think she got the hiccups about 4am, so that kinda freaked me out and kept me up a bit.

What I miss: Bending over and sleeping on my tummy. And wine. I could have used a glass of wine last week after working for 14 + hrs.

Cravings: Lately its been SONIC. Loving me some burgers and tater tots. I’ve even opted for unsweetened tea instead of soda to help keep the sugar down. The pellet ice makes it all worth it!
Symptoms: This has been a pretty good week, with the exception of being more tired and feeling some tightness in my sides. I’m sure it’s just growing pains and not contractions. My bump has grown so much in the past 2 weeks I know its getting snug in there for her. Some swelling in my feet after a long day at work.

Best Moment this week: Besides finding out last week that I passed my glucose test, I would have to say its been watching her move around in my tummy. Daddy was able to see her kick pretty easily the other da, so that’s been exciting to watch his reaction. The nursery is almost complete, just waiting for the valance and decal and I’ll be sharing her room with you.
We started Lamaze this week, so its getting serious folks…she will be arriving in just 8 wks!

30 wks

How Far Along am I: 30 Weeks


Size of baby: Baby Girl is the size of a head of lettuce
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 25 lbs since conception
Maternity Clothes: Everything below the waist, a few larger shirts from before are still making an appearance
 Gender: It’s a GIRL!
Movement: She has been moving lots mostly on my left side, i think she likes that side better for some reason

Sleep: This is getting more difficult. While the number of times I am getting up in the middle of the night has decreased, normally the final time I get up, which is about 4-5am, is proving hard to fall back asleep

What I miss: Bending over easily and sleeping on my tummy.

Cravings: This week hasn’t really brought any cravings, I’m filling up so much quicker with meals, I have no room for dessert.I failed my 1 hour glucose test and had to retake my 3 hour test yesterday so maybe that’s making me steer clear from the sugary treats too.
Symptoms: This week I have felt pretty good overall, had a few of what I am thinking were Braxton Hicks contractions earlier in the week in the afternoon at work.  Almost felt like someone made me uterus into a fist real quick and then let go..did that twice and then was done.Otherwise, heartburn has been at a minimal and no backaches this week! Yeah baby girl, thank you!

Best Moment this week: It would have to be going to our 4D ultrasound on Thursday afternoon (separate post to follow with some pics). It was amazing getting to see her close up and watch her move around. I still get tears in my eyes when we watch the DVD! Simply amazing. It was a surreal experience and now I can’t quit picturing her when I feel her kick me now. And the US confirmed that day that she is indeed a girl, so yeah for team pink!

29 wks

How Far Along am I: 29 Weeks


Size of baby: Baby Girl is the size of a squash
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 25 lbs since conception
Maternity Clothes: All maternity except a few shirts. Last week with my low rise jeans, sad but its getting too uncomfortable!
 Gender: It’s a GIRL!
Movement: I’ve been feeling her move daily, but its calmed down a bit,I think she is resting more and growing

Sleep: It’s getting a little more uncomfortable to fall asleep but I’m sleeping better when I do if that makes any sense at all.

What I miss: Sleeping on my tummy definitely.  And being able to bend over easily. That is getting trickier to do.

Cravings: This week I’ve been pretty good with the ice cream, only had it once. Of course I was smart enough to avoid it the day before my glucose test.
Symptoms: Been feeling pretty good, besides the occasional heartburn at night, only real aches have come when I get up in the morning and that’s in my lower tummy from being curled up I think. Little girl is treating her Momma well!

Best Moment this week: I would have to say feeling her first kick in my upper tummy, normally its been about belly button level, but this week she got one closer towards my chest. Still favoring the left side but I have felt some thumps to the middle lately, so she’s on the move!

28 wks

How Far Along am I: 28 Weeks
(actually in this pic I’m 28wks and 3 days)


Size of baby: Baby Girl is the size of a eggplant
Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 20 lbs since conception
Maternity Clothes: All of my pants are maternity pants but I can still wear some of my big regular sweaters. I am still in some low ride pants, but am finding my full belly panel ones much more comfortable as I continue to grow bigger. Got another pair of jeans this week…can’t wait to wear those!
 Gender: It’s a GIRL!
Movement: I’ve been feeling her move daily, seems like she is most active in the morning and right after dinner.

Sleep: It’s getting a little more uncomfortable to fall asleep but I’m sleeping better when I do if that makes any sense at all.

What I miss: Sleeping on my tummy definitely.  Seems like I tend to roll on my stomach while I’m on my side and then I realize its starting to hurt and switch sides.

Cravings: Um this week I’d have to say peanut butter ice cream…yeah not the healthiest but its so dang good!
Symptoms: Been having some major charlie horses in my calves in the middle of the night, and a few aches and pains after sitting too long, but nothing really too much to complain about.

Best Moment this week: I would have to say it was seeing my stomach wiggle and jump the most I have seen yet while watching her move. Its awesome to see her getting stronger and stronger and not only feel her move and stretch but see my tummy react! Amazing!