Buckeye Retreat

Hope you all had a great weekend, it went by really quick didn’t it? It REALLY went by quick for me….because I got to hang out with Brooke and Bari! That’s right, in a little thing we called Buckeye Hooker Retreat. (Don’t worry the Hooker part is just a sisterhood girlfriend thing, we are all happily married women).

The girls arrived Friday night. Bari got there first and Brooke got in about an hour later. My first thought, besides how great they both looked (and how tiny they are….they do the Sisterhood proud ladies, you can totally tell they are runners and athletes!) was how cute they sounded!  We had shared countless emails and texts, but I had only talked with Bari once a few months ago. So it was nice to actually talk to them.

We just hung around and ate some sammies and sampled a few beverages that they had brought with them from some of their local breweries and chatted until it was time for bed. I’m sure they were exhausted from driving so far. We had to get up early to get our run on before the day began.

That’s right…I said our run.  I got to run with some sisters!  While we all know that both of them could have easily took off and did their own thing, yet, bless their hearts, they ran at my pace, even walking when I had to.  They knew about the trouble I was having last week when I switched to the 8/5 intervals.  Bari suggested running 5’s again since I had luck with that and decreasing the walking to a minute and see how that went.  It went really good!  I actually did a 5, then some 4’s and 3’s and made it around 2 laps in just under 30 minutes.  Much to my surprise….thanks to Bari’s fabulous Map My Run App…turns out the 2 laps that I had been calling 2 miles were actually 2.25 miles!  Woohoo…I’m faster then I thought I was!  It was great to run with them, even if I was panting like a beast.

After our run we freshedned up and headed to Granville to go to the Farmers Market. Granville is a nice college town and there are some really pretty old homes, so it was nice to walk down the streets from where we parked and look at some of the architecture.

It was a beautiful day so it was nice to walk around and see what the local vendors had.  We passed up a lot of the goodies like the ginormous whoopie cakes above and sampled a few yummies, but nothing insane. I had never been to the farmers market, but I am thinking about taking my husband back in a few weeks.  Nice little getaway.

After spending some time there, we headed out to Longaberger Homestead.  I figured when will these girls ever get the chance again to see a humongous basket, right? Plus I used to work there so that was fun.  Have you ever seen such cute babes in a basket? I didn’t think so!

Again there were tons of goodies and chocolate covered pretzels that I probably would have gnawed someones arm off for, but we were good and just sampled a few pretzel dips and strawberry lemonade.

It was fun to walk thru and see all the different products…including the cute little owl coaster that made me think of Melissa!

By the time we got home from traveling all over the county, and stopping and enjoying Subway for lunch, we had a few hours before we were heading out to the Lake.  So we sampled a few more beers and some Moonshine Cherries that were brought.

Oh my word….wow….those are some strong pieces of fruit.  You can taste the fruit for a minute, then it is covered by the burning taste of pure alcohol.  Good times!

Then it was time to head out to Buckeye Lake! Wish we had a boat we could have hung out on, but we didn’t so we opted just to sit by the water and swoon over other peoples boats.

We met up with my inlaws for my brother in laws birthday dinner.  It was really hot when we first got there before the sun went down, but soon after it was a nice night on the water.  They had a band and we had a good time before our food got there.  (stupid waitress obviously forgot to put Brooke’s order in as we were almost done by the time hers came…sorry Brooke!)

We came back and *may have possibly* sampled some more beers. *POSSIBLY* ;o)

The next day we hung out and cheered Beki on as she finished her half marathon before heading to Easton, an outdoor shopping center.

We really were blessed with good weather, it was warm and even bordered on hot in the mid afternoon hours, but it was much better then dealing with any rain or storms.  We walked around for a few hours, shopping and trying to burn off some of the lunch that we ate (yummy Five Guys).

The girls took off late that afternoon and before we knew it, our girls weekend was over.

I am so thankful that I got to meet these wonderful ladies, they are so sweet and down to earth and we had a great time just getting to know each other and talking about whatever popped into our minds.  I can’t wait to do it again.  Thanks ladies, I am truely blessed to call you guys friends….a big Buckeye mwah to my sisters!

You Capture-Outside

Last week we had quite a few visitors, and thankfully most of them stayed on the outside of the house. (With the exception on that little mouse which hopefully has moved on to visit another house (or crawled away and died).

First we have Mr. Toad who I nearly picked up while weeding the flowerbeds around the patio out back.  I am still now sure how I used to pick up little tiny tree frogs when I was young.  Remind me…when exactly did I become such a wuss?

I never noticed the beautiful metallic ring around their eyes.Such a pretty bronze color. I never saw him blink, do they blink? I would think so.

And of course we have tons of birds around.  I normally fill the feeder up Friday afternoon and by Monday it is almost gone.  We have seen more cardinals this year then we ever have, which is wonderful because it’s our State Bird. Some males and some females, both old and young. They really are a beautiful red.

Hello Mr. Cardinal….like that seed?  Our feeder has six posts and as soon as one took off another came to take it’s place.  Sometimes they all were full and there were some standing up top waiting their turn.  We even had a pigeon or two eating the pieces that fell to the ground.

This is really the first good shot of yellow finches that I have got this year.  I love their bright color and they just make me feel like they are happy.  I mean who couldn’t be happy being bright yellow!

I am happy that the sweltering days of summer are coming to an end, because its nice to be able to sit outside and not melt. As much as I like the city, I am glad to live on the outskirts and enjoy nature and all the wonderful wildlife that surrounds us.

Weigh-In Wednesday

Good Morning friends! How are you this beautiful late summer day? I am doing good, feeling sore from the tworkout and my run last night. If you missed it, that Tara is tough…I think several of us were probably making snarky faces at her when we read her next tweet. But its great because she’s been there….she was making those same snarky faces when she started. Well I actually don’t think I remember her being snarky at all on Biggest Loser, she was always so determined but you know what I mean.

So let’s see, how about an update with how my week went food and exercise wise. Well on the food front, I did splurge and have some pizza this weekend, but otherwise stayed on track for the most part. I have still been running, trying to keep up with the C25K plan…but its getting REALLY HARD! I’m still on week 5 and I’m finding out that I am having to do each day for a week at least until I am able to complete it. Last week I was doing W5D1 which was a mix of 5 min runs and 3 min walks for 2 miles. It took me a few times, but I eventually got up to running for 5 min intervals multiple times! Yippee!

On Saturday I started W5D2, which was 8 min runs and 5 min walks for 2 miles. Yeah…that’s right 8 minutes of running straight! I was scared…really scared. Did the first interval…I was like yippee that was hard yet I did it….and I’m glad to be walking now. Then when I started the second one, I was really struggling when I hit the 5 minute mark and it felt like someone was knifing my side so I walked the rest of the 1/3 mile home.

So last night I set out to try it again, it had gotten cooler so I didn’t have to wait as late to be comfortable. Started out and got my first 8 minutes in again. Then when I started my second interval, I barely made it to 3 minutes before I almost yacked. I had a horrible stabbing pains again in my right side, so quit and hobbled home. As I got closer I decided to run the last 2 minutes to finish off 1.5 miles. Not sure what my deal is. Think it’s the 8 minute interval that’s sucking all the life out of me and that it will get better? I hope so. I’m kinda stuck in the middle of ‘Why the eff can’t I keep going, my time is getting slower not faster’ and ‘Hey you just ran 8 minutes-you rock. Remember how hard it was when you ran for 3 minutes?’. Hope I can find a happy medium soon.

Anyway, here are my results from weigh-in this morning:

This week’s change: -1.3 lbs
Challenge total: -1.5 lbs

Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans

Tada! Another loss…I’m thrilled, especially since I will probably not see a loss next week as there will be good eating and drinking going on this coming weekend with friends! Can’t wait! We do have a run planned for Saturday morning, that is if I can keep up with the 2 gazelles that are coming over! Otherwise it will be a nice relaxing weekend, the weather is supposed to be beautiful and I can’t wait to have some girl time! Woohoo for Buckeye Retreat!!!

Saturday Cell Phone Mosiac

Hi everybody! Happy Saturday…hope you all are having a good day. I’m thrilled to be hosting Saturday Cell Phone Mosiac for Ace this week….so thanks for stopping over and linking up!

It’s been a calm one around here for the most part. Getting some stuff cleaned up and organized around the house, got some special friends coming next weekend! Got up early and attempted to do Day 2 of Week 5 for the C25K program which should be 5 min Walk, 8 min Run, 5 Walk, 8 Run.  Started out good and finished the first 8 minute interval without stopping!  I felt awesome and was so proud of myself.  Then after my walk and I started my next 8 minute interval, I started getting a little stabby pain in my right side, so ended up walking the rest of the 1/3 mile.  But I did one interval and I know I can do more next time!

My husband heard a mouse in the attic and I (who am not a fan of mice…at all) spent most of the morning after I got back from my run listening to see if it sounded like it was scampering above me.  Ugh…hate those little things. I know I know, they are more scared of me then I am of them…but they still are so quick and creepy and sharp toothed….yug I seriously can’t tolerate them.  They creep me out, so we out something up there today hopefully to get rid of him, whom we have been calling Mr. BoJangles.

Going to watch a  movie tonight and just chill….its been raining most of the day, so its been housework and lounging most of the day.  Just seems like a nice way to end it.

Be sure to link up below so everyone can check out your mosiac.
Then click on mine to see my Saturday!

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You Capture – In my Kitchen

See anything familiar? Does your kitchen resemble mine in any way?  Its a common occurrence to have iced tea brewing on our countertop. And I might as well make 2 batches because I know in a few days I’m gonna have to make more.  Do you have an extra bag of corn chips for snacking (or scooping up some Texas Caviar) that you picked up at the store? And almost everyone has some kind of liquor bottle someplace, right?

But some of my favorite things in the kitchen reside in the corner…straight ahead.
Can you see them?

Several shapes and sizes of wine glasses are hiding behind that corner glass cabinet to help me unwind after a hard day at the office.

And of course you need something to open those bottles of wine.  Love this kit…L.O.V.E. it.

I love these little cubbies that hold teabags, birthday candles, hot cocoa pouches and other little things that need a special place of their own.

And my mixer….a grad school gift from my Mom and Grandma.  I feel like such a grownup for having a professional mixer.  Now I just need to whip up more goodies with it!

What are some of the favorite parts of your kitchen? Stop over and share with Beth and friends at 
Who knows…you might see somethings you will want to add to your kitchen!

Weigh-In Wednesday

Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans

It’s time to check in with my Down and Dirty Challenge. Quick post today, grabbing some lunch before getting back to work. Plus I don’t have much to gloat about this week…at all.

This week’s change: +1.2 lbs
Challenge total: -0.2 lbs
Not really surprised as I splurged a little this weekend and had a hotdog and some beers and didn’t exercise except Monday night.  But on the flip side I did get my fastest mile yet 15:21!  That’s twenty seconds faster then the week before!  Woohoo.  I can definently tell that the cooler temps are going to be easier to run in, I’m still sweating like a mother but not panting nearly as much.  Tonight is another running night, gonna try to start a little earlier to get 2 miles in.  This getting darker earlier thing sucks…confirms summer is almost over.
Don’t forget to check out my giveaway for a chance to win a Running Chics tank!  I’ll be sporting mine this evening! 

Are you a Running Chic?

Earlier last month I won a giveaway from Beki over at Wild Child Gone Good.It was an awesome running tank top from Running Chics! If you recall I don’t have much running gear, and spent most of the beginning part of my C25K training wearing t-shirts. Which in this 90 degree weather we were having pretty much sucked and made me feel like I wanted to pass out.

So I was thrilled to get the tank I won! It was so comfortable and breathable. I honestly don’t think I can go back to non-running material.  It was so much better then I thought it would be, and really did make a difference in my running.  I wasn’t focused on how hot and sweaty I was, I was focusing on the run. And it felt great!  I am smiling after running several 5 minute intervals…this is amazing!

I know that the shirt didn’t make me become a runner, but it made me not want to give up as quickly when my body felt overheated.

And due to a mix-up in getting the right size because some body parts aren’t so cooperative in fitting in smaller sizes, Andrea from Running Chics said it would be ok to offer the size that didn’t fit me up on my blog to one of you!  Isn’t that awesome? Thanks Andrea!

So up for grabs is a Mesh Back Tank, in size Medium in the DeepBerry, just like I have on above, except I needed a large. Granted you don’t get to choose the size or color, and I have tried it on, but never ran in it, and hey it’s a really awesome workout top! 

So if you are interested in winning it, just leave a comment below telling me what you normally wear when you work out. Do you have a favorite brand that you feel great in or are you still wearing t-shirts like I was?
*Be sure to leave your email or blogger profile. One comment per person, winner will be chosen by random.org next Sunday August 22nd at 9PM EST.
Good Luck!

Saturday Cell Phone Mosiac

 Its been a relaxing Saturday, so this is gonna be a pretty boring mosiac. Got up chilled for a bit before heading out to hit a few yard sales and stopping at Wal-Mart to pick up a few things.  Came back, had a late lunch and fell asleep for about an hour watching Ninja Warrior on G4.  If you have never seen it,  you need to check it out….its just awesome. Watched a little more when I woke up and then went to make sure I won an auction on eBay.  And I did…oh happy day!

Unloaded up the dishwasher before starting dinner, enjoyed a frosty beverage or two with dinner and started to watch the guys replace the toilet seat in my bathroom.  Well needless to say, it was a little harder then we thought.  Its a one piece toilet and for some stupid reason, unlike most toilets, that have the nut thingie underneath that you can unscrew the bolts that hold the hinges on, this model has built in things that you can’t reach.   Great, so of course it wouldn’t come unscrewed and just kept spinning….pretty soon the dremmel came out and the bolts got cut off.  So they are at Walmart trying to find new bolts to attach the new seat properly.  Oy…nothing can be easy can it? Hopefully it will be finished by morning. Fingers crossed.

Hope you all had a great Saturday!  Click the image below to walk thru my chill day!

Oh and when you are done, stop over and wish Bari a Happy Birthday…she is feeling better then she has in decades so it’s gonna be a great year!